Monday, July 30, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo

As any writer who is serious about their work knows, it isn't necessary to wait until November to have  a month of writing madness. You can it any time (or all the time) commit to any sane or insane writing schedule you like and pound out your next great work in a month (or for the really ambitious, there is Fast Draft! 5000 words a day and finished draft in 2 weeks. Yikes!)

Honestly, my writing system doesn't work very well for a NaNoWriMo or FastDraft, by the time I've got a 50,000 word draft, I've written at least 3 times that many words. But I love a challenge, work better under a deadline, and really like having other writers to cheer me on and that I can cheer on.

So I signed up for the August session of Camp NaNoWriMo. I'm about done with the prep work for Mongolian Steampunk and ready to get to some serious writing. With luck and some hard work, I'll have a solid start on it by the end of the month (even if I don't make the 50,000 word goal). I'll be posting updates from time to time on my progress.

Wish me luck!

Edit: I'll be using NaNoWriMo to expand My Mistress, instead of Mongolian Steampunk  - some research turned up a few major/minor issues in my world building that require going back to drawing board. So I'll be trying to get a finished first draft (expansion 4 at least) for My Mistress by the end of the month instead.

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